Cumberland Hill Pool Membership

Pool Memberships

To apply for a Pool Membership at the Cumberland Hill Pool & Clubhouse, please visit our Virtual Membership Portal, provided by Access Granted Systems, to complete your application.

Charter Partners

(This is separate from an annual pool membership)

In January 2009, the Cumberland Hill Neighborhood faced the strong possibility of losing the Pool & Clubhouse property forever.

Neighbors banded together, formed the CHSPA association and forged a plan to make sure that the entire recreation complex would not only be saved, but would also be put in the hands of all interested neighbors. The Charter Partner Membership program was devised to both raise necessary revenue and give special benefits to its members.

250 Charter Partner Memberships (“CPs”) will be sold. This equals the maximum number of pool memberships each year. Thus, CPs have priority on pool memberships every year, and this benefit is transferable with the sale of one’s home. CPs are not limited to Cumberland Hill residents. Over 200 CPs have already been sold to residents of Cumberland Hill and many nearby neighborhoods.

Benefits Of Charter Partner Membership:

  • Priority on Pool membership every year.
  • Transferable. Great investment in your property value.
  • Reduced rates for pool memberships and Clubhouse rentals.
  • CP-only special events throughout each year.
  • Ability to lease one’s CP — another investment option.

One time cost of Charter Partner Membership: $500
(This is separate from an annual pool membership)
Please download and submit this form (mail, drop-box): 

Or you can pay with PayPal (a 3% PayPal surcharge will apply, so your total will be $515.00):

Transfer Your Charter Partner Membership:

You can transfer your “CP” to someone else. Maybe you’re moving and you would like to pass along your CP Membership to the new homeowners. Maybe you own a couple CPs, and you would like to sell one. Whatever the case, it’s a simple form that both parties must sign, so that we can properly document the transfer.

Regular Pool Memberships:

Currently available to all 40515 residents

- Available to the general public March 1st

* Pay before May 1st for 5 free guest passes and a chance to win VIP seating for the 4th of July!

Family Membership


The Family Membership consists of the member, a spouse/partner, and any unmarried children living at the same residence.

Couples Membership


The Couples Membership consists of at least one adult 21 or older.

Single Adult Membership


The Single Adult Membership consists of 1 adult 21 or older.

Charter Partner Pool Memberships:
Available Now!

Charter Partner membership includes 5 free guest passes

* Pay before May 1st for an additional 5 free guest passes and a chance to win VIP seating for the 4th of July!

Family Membership


The Family Membership consists of the member, a spouse/partner, and any unmarried children living at the same residence.

Couples Membership


The Couples Membership consists of at least 1 adult 21 or older.

Single Adult Membership


The Single Adult Membership consists of 1 adult 21 or older.